Bach ... The Original Flower Power
Naturally manage your emotions which are causing you pain or problems - for yourself or for others. Jealousy, anger, resentment, fear, overwhelmed, low self esteem, over-enthusiasm, dominant or conversely, people pleasing. There is a remedy for these.
Bach Flower remedies are a natural way to gently rebalance your emotions and bring true peace of mind which is most welcome during these challenging times.
There are 38 remedies which address all 38 different emotional states identified by Dr Edward Bach. Examples of emotions which can drive us (and those around us) crazy, are: jealousy, anger, resentment, fear, phobias, worry, lack of concentration, depression, anxiety, stress, impatience, apprehension, other people being really annoying or irritating, possessiveness, given-up trying, emotional and physical exhaustion, feeling overwhelmed or guilty ... the list goes on.
We all have these emotions but if they get out of balance and become too strong they can easily spiral out of control causing us and those around us, distress.
In addition, if emotions are stifled they can manifest as diseases and so the gentle release with Bach Flower remedies works for your long term well-being as well as your immediate peace of mind :-) You may be aware of the relationship between emotional "dis-ease" and "disease"
The remedies are made from plants and flowers and so are natural and with organic brandy as a natural preservative.
As a Bach flower remedy Therapist Linda combines several remedies into a single treatment bottle and you pop the drops into your tongue - it's that simple.
Bach Flower Remedies are amazing for animals too, for anxiety, fear - in fact any of the emotions which we have they can have too. I can make a remedy for your pet and you'll see the difference in them.
To organise your remedy simply get in touch by email or phone or text for your very own software upgrade and smile inside and out.
€25/£25 - plus postage and packaging
Tel / WhatsApp: + 44 (0)7814 029 147 or for Spain +34 659 584 992
email: [email protected]
Bach Flower remedies are a natural way to gently rebalance your emotions and bring true peace of mind which is most welcome during these challenging times.
There are 38 remedies which address all 38 different emotional states identified by Dr Edward Bach. Examples of emotions which can drive us (and those around us) crazy, are: jealousy, anger, resentment, fear, phobias, worry, lack of concentration, depression, anxiety, stress, impatience, apprehension, other people being really annoying or irritating, possessiveness, given-up trying, emotional and physical exhaustion, feeling overwhelmed or guilty ... the list goes on.
We all have these emotions but if they get out of balance and become too strong they can easily spiral out of control causing us and those around us, distress.
In addition, if emotions are stifled they can manifest as diseases and so the gentle release with Bach Flower remedies works for your long term well-being as well as your immediate peace of mind :-) You may be aware of the relationship between emotional "dis-ease" and "disease"
The remedies are made from plants and flowers and so are natural and with organic brandy as a natural preservative.
As a Bach flower remedy Therapist Linda combines several remedies into a single treatment bottle and you pop the drops into your tongue - it's that simple.
Bach Flower Remedies are amazing for animals too, for anxiety, fear - in fact any of the emotions which we have they can have too. I can make a remedy for your pet and you'll see the difference in them.
To organise your remedy simply get in touch by email or phone or text for your very own software upgrade and smile inside and out.
€25/£25 - plus postage and packaging
Tel / WhatsApp: + 44 (0)7814 029 147 or for Spain +34 659 584 992
email: [email protected]
Bach Remedy Quick Guide to Ailments and Emotions
Agrimony – Smiles and hides inner worry or grief and pretends everything is fine
Aspen - Apprehension, unknown fears
Beech - Over critical, intolerant, fussy
Centaury - Weak willed, subservient, too eager to please others
Cerato - Lack of faith in our own judgement
Cherry Plum* - Fear of losing control, suicidal, fear of doing dreaded things
Chestnut Bud - Inability to learn from our life lessons / repeating the same mistakes over again
Chicory - Possessive, controlling, hurt and tearful – what about me?!
Clematis* - Dreamy, absent minded, unable to focus or concentrate
Crab Apple - Cleansing - physically & mentally, poor self-esteem. A belief that we’re not worthy
Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibility – it’s just too much, I can’t cop
Gentian - Despondency, disappointment, lack of faith
Gorse - Hopelessness, despair
Heather – Over-talkative to keep someone there. Lonely
Holly - Anger, Jealousy, Suspicion
Honeysuckle - Living in the past, homesickness, always refers back to the good old days
Hornbeam - Mental tiredness, procrastination
Impatiens* - Impatience, irritability
Larch - Lack of confidence in our own abilities “I can’t do that!”
Mimulus - Known fears, nervousness, phobias
Mustard - Gloom, depression for no apparent reason
Oak – When we persevere despite being exhausted
Olive - Physical & metal tiredness, exhaustion
Pine - Feelings of guilt, unworthiness
Red Chestnut - Fear for others, irrational worry, projecting worry onto others “you can’t do that,
what if … ?”
Rock Rose* - Extreme fear, nightmares
Rock Water – Punishing ourselves, rigidity
Scleranthus - Indecision, inability to choose, it brings balance
Star of Bethlehem* - Shock, trauma, accidents – even from the past
Sweet Chestnut - Extreme anguish, despair
Vervain - Over enthusiasm, perfectionism
Vine - Dominating, need for control over others
Walnut – To ease through changes, protection from outside influences
Water Violet - Proud, upright people, superiority
White Chestnut - Thoughts buzzing around in our head, over-talkative mind that won’t stop
Wild Oat - Inability to see our direction
Wild Rose - Apathy, lack of enthusiasm
Willow - Resentment, bitterness
* These five are the ingredients in Rescue Remedy