Meditation, like everything, isn't something that is achieved instantly, it takes practice but just a few minutes a day will start to bring our stress levels down and quieten our minds.
If we imagine that stress is like a pan of cold water being gradually heated up. The more we are exposed to stressful situations or the less we manage our stress, the hotter the water becomes and this is reflected in our mind, our behaviour, our temper and our tears until we / the water hits boiling point until the slightest thing makes us boil over. Even a few minutes a day will bring our stress levels down and prevent us from turning into a frequently erupting geyser. The more we practice, the easier it is to quieten our minds and so we can achieve a deeper meditation practice thus lowering our stress levels and so it will take a lot more to reach that boiling point. Here is a beautiful start. Just 4.55 minutes long. Get yourself comfortable, press play, close your eyes and smileinside as this peace and calm meditation washes the stress right out of you. |
A beautiful, 12 minute heart breath meditation ... excellent for beginners and to find calm in a few minutes. Tap on the image below
Yoga Nidra
Since the heart attack, I've particularly loved practicing this yoga nidra meditation when I want to wind down at bedtime and sometimes when I wake up in the morning but I'm not ready to start my day this is a great way to get into a relaxed and positive mindset. It's great at siesta o'clock too as it involves lying absolutely still and focusing on different parts of the body and clearing your mind.
Click on this link to be taken to Gaia, relax and enjoy 30-40 minutes of bliss Yoga Nidra
Since the heart attack, I've particularly loved practicing this yoga nidra meditation when I want to wind down at bedtime and sometimes when I wake up in the morning but I'm not ready to start my day this is a great way to get into a relaxed and positive mindset. It's great at siesta o'clock too as it involves lying absolutely still and focusing on different parts of the body and clearing your mind.
Click on this link to be taken to Gaia, relax and enjoy 30-40 minutes of bliss Yoga Nidra